Dent Neurologic Institute and Sheridan Equity Partners was seeking ways to reduce costs of building operations while improving services at their site in
Amherst, NY. Engineered Facility Solutions was selected to perform a building condition
assessment and operations cost analysis for the property. The
assessment included a comprehensive analysis of the condition of
the mechanical and electrical systems, building structure and the
total costs of the building maintenance and operations at the site.
EFS completed a series of site inspection for the Tower, New two
Story building and the Key Bank building totaling approximately
125,000 square feet. he report included facility maintenance cost
analysis, utility cost analysis and review of building system conditions. A list of capital
projects was identified including digital photos of each recommended project along with an estimated construction cost estimate.

EFS presented their findings to the DNI physicians group as well as partners of Sheridan
Equity Partners. Savings in the costs of operations in the areas of energy utilization, contracted services and building operations were identified. The plan included reinvestment of identified savings into capital projects that would increase the value of the physical asset and improve building systems. Savings from the program were immediate. The EFS Building Condition Assessment and Cost Analysis Report was used to prepare an implementation plan at the site to maintain operations.
"Making your facility work for you"