Real Time Remote Temperature Monitoring System

Niacet Corporation

April, 2007


Facility Maintenance and Building Asset Management was not a core area of
expertise at 500,000 industrial complex. Site technicians were focused on production
related maintenance and trouble shooting product handling and minimizing machine downtime. The building structure, HVAC and electrical systems were in need of repair and upgrades.


Niacet Corporation HPS completed a facility assessment and developed five year capital plan for Niacet. The comprehensive capital project list included high priority items such as guard rail and stair repair, roof repairs to office and breakroom upgrades. All projects were digitally photo-graphed, cataloged and estimated for inclusion into
the five year capital plan.


HPS presented the five year capital maintenance plan to the management at the Niacet plant. The plan, based on the findings of the facility assessment presented a comprehensive list of projects, digital photographs and cost of each project. The list was prioritized based on site safety, project payback and need. The list was divided into five year increments with an annual budget tentatively scheduled for each year. Using a web-based format and planning tool, projects and annual budgets were easily modified to match the requirements and cost constraints for the capital maintenance needs at the plant.


HPS is currently in the second year of the capital plan. Economy is derived from detailed descriptions of each project, bundling like projects together, and an aggressive pre-planning and scheduling of projects. Numerous projects have been completed as part of the capital maintenance plan. The program includes projects as small as office painting, door and window replacement, to larger projects such as HVAC system installations, roof replacement and building façade upgrades.

Contact: Larry Montani, Managing Director, Niacet Corporation 716-285-1474